PICK with Precision

Increase Efficiency with Twin Oaks WMS Advanced Picking Options


Pick multiple items from multiple orders with ease! Combined-bin picking allows more than one order to be picked into a single bin or container.


Increased Efficiency: By grouping multiple items from multiple orders into a single bin, the picker can complete multiple orders at once, reducing travel time and increasing efficiency.
Improved Accuracy: Combined bin picking minimizes the chances of picking errors as the picker can easily cross-check items against the order list while picking.
Reduced Labor Costs: By reducing the number of trips required to pick multiple orders, combined bin picking can help to lower labor costs.
Improved Order Management: The combined bin picking process allows for the grouping of similar orders, making it easier for the packing team to manage and break out the orders during the packing process.
Increased Flexibility: The combined bin picking process can accommodate changes to the order list or unexpected spikes in demand, making it a highly flexible method of order fulfillment.

Dynamic-Zone Picking

Dynamic zone picking assigns the picker’s zone based on the concentration of work and the starting position of each picker. 


Increased Productivity: By assigning the picker’s zone dynamically, the picker is able to focus on the areas of the warehouse with the highest concentration of work, increasing overall productivity.
Reduced Travel Time: Dynamic zone picking minimizes the amount of travel time required for pickers, as they are able to pick items from the most efficient locations in the warehouse.
Improved Accuracy: Dynamic zone picking helps to reduce the risk of picking errors as pickers are able to focus on their assigned areas and cross-check their items against the order list.
Enhanced Flexibility: Dynamic zone picking allows the picker's zone to expand or contract dynamically based on changes in the concentration of work throughout the day, making it a highly flexible method of order fulfillment.
Optimized Order Fulfillment: By focusing on the areas of the warehouse with the highest concentration of work, dynamic zone picking can help to optimize the order fulfillment process and improve overall efficiency.

Cluster Picking

Eliminate the need for pickers to go back and forth between pick aisle, reduce walking time, and increase productivity. With cluster picking, orders are grouped together automatically so that a picker can pick a cluster of orders in a single walking path down the pick aisle.


Increased productivity: By allowing a picker to pick a cluster of orders at once, the picker can complete multiple orders in a single trip down the aisle, saving time and increasing productivity.
Reduced travel time: Cluster picking reduces the amount of time a picker has to spend walking back and forth between pick aisles, as all necessary items for multiple orders are picked in a single trip.
Improved accuracy: With cluster picking, the picker has a visual reference of the items required for multiple orders, reducing the risk of picking errors.
Better organization: Cluster picking can help organize the warehouse by grouping similar orders together, making it easier for pickers to find and pick items.
Improved customer satisfaction: Cluster picking helps to ensure that orders are fulfilled more quickly and accurately, leading to happier customers and improved customer satisfaction.

High-Demand Picking

Prioritize picking high-demand items in multiple orders. By dropping large quantities of these high-demand items, usually in the form of a pallet, to the floor for picking, high-demand picking helps to reduce the risk of stock depletion and increase overall efficiency.


Improved Inventory Management: High-demand picking helps to reduce the risk of stock depletion by ensuring that there is always a large quantity of high-demand items available for picking.
Increased Efficiency: By dropping a large quantity of high-demand items to the floor for picking, high-demand picking minimizes the amount of travel time required for pickers and increases overall efficiency.
Reduced Labor Costs: High-demand picking can help to reduce labor costs by reducing the number of trips required to pick multiple orders and by improving the overall efficiency of the picking process.
Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: High-demand picking helps to ensure that orders are fulfilled quickly and accurately, improving customer satisfaction and reducing the risk of stockouts.
Improved Order Fulfillment: By focusing on high-demand items, high-demand picking can help to optimize the order fulfillment process and improve overall efficiency.

Twin Oaks WMS utilizes cost-effective Android devices and a mobile app that improves picking accuracy and inventory accuracy, increasing overall picking efficiency. With multiple pick methods including zone, cluster, combined bin, master carton, high demand, special destination, and pre-ticketed, you can choose the best option for your warehouse.

Twin Oaks WMS Picking Efficiencies

Minimal picking errors
Automated restock with high priority when out of stock
Faster picking with visual cues and voice commands
Multiple pick methods available based on workload
Rush, cart, dynamic zone, cluster picking, mini-pick aisle
Multiple devices
Wearables, guns, Vuzix glasses, Android phones and Bluetooth ring scanners

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